appreciation courses
hobby roasting
hobby roasting
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Embark on an Intensive Journey Through Coffee Roasting
Dive into the art and science behind transforming green coffee beans into rich, aromatic gems.
From understanding roast profiles to gaining hands-on experience, our expert roasters will help you discover the nuances of flavour development and unlock the secrets to a perfect home roast.
Introduction to Coffee Roasting
Overview of the roasting process and its significance in coffee production.
Understanding Green Coffee
Exploration of different coffee bean varieties, origins, and the factors that influence flavour development.
Roast Profiles
Explanation of roast levels and profiles, including light, medium, and dark roasts, and their impact on flavour.
Roasting Equipment and Techniques
A brief tour of various professional roasting machines and equipment on-site, along with safety guidelines and best practices.
Quality Control and Evaluation
Techniques for assessing roast quality, including aroma, colour, and taste, and identifying common roast defects.